Table Tennis England will be allocating funding support for table tennis activity to clubs, leagues and volunteers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Following a Sport England announcement allowing sport National Governing Bodies such as Table Tennis England to show flexibility in funding schemes already announced, the current plans for Be TT Year 4 and 2020-21 Satellite Club funding have been revised.
This is to ensure that when the current restrictions are lifted, table tennis will be in a great position to re-start activities.
Be TT Year 4
The open application element of Be TT funding will now to be to support clubs and leagues to “activate” their table tennis activity when the COVID19 restrictions have been lifted.
For example, the Be TT Activation Fund could support a club or league to start a new TT Kidz session, providing them with the necessary kit, training and marketing support that is needed to be part of the programme.
The funding will be able to be used in projects to engage both existing members and any new members who may have been become interested in the sport during this period.
For those clubs or leagues which may not have been successful in accessing Sport England funding and will struggle to continue without outside assistance, we will ring fence some funding to help those most in need.
Satellite club funding
For 2020-21, satellite club funding will be partially utilised to support clubs in re-engaging their young people aged 11-25, with 50% of the funding ring-fenced for projects or initiatives seeking to reignite the love of table tennis for young people following COVID-19.
This could be one-off events, running training courses for young people, the start-up of a social competition or a league. We will welcome innovative ideas from clubs across the country on how best to engage with young people, ensuring they feel connected to the table tennis community, with the view to retaining them in the sport.
The other 50% of funding will support the development of new table tennis sessions for the 11-25 age group.
The 50% for new sessions will be evaluated should the need arise for additional emergency funds for clubs which have not been successful in the Sport England process.
Applying for this fund
If you are interested in applying for the Be TT Activation Fund please click here to find out more information and fill out a Google form about your potential project.
There will be a webinar on Wednesday April 29 at noon entitled Be TT and Satellite Club Funding which will cover this funding further, with more information on what can be supported, who can apply and key dates. To sign up for this please click here.