The Annual General Meeting of the English Table Tennis Association along with an Extraordinary General Meeting took place on 9 July 2011 at the Nottingham Belfry Hotel and was attended by over 130 delegates from all over the country.
Rule change propositions number 2, 3, 4 and 5 were passed whilst proposition 1 failed to meet the required majority.
A number of honours were bestowed on members these were:
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Honorary Life Vice President: Johnny Leach MBE
President: Keith Ponting
Honorary Life Member: Harvey Webb
New Vice Presidents: Richard Hudson and John Dignum.
Ivor Montagu Award: Les Smith
Victor Barna Award: England Men’s Team
Leslie Forrest Memorial Trophy: Andy Seward
Malcolm Scott Award: Mike Holt
The Johnny Leach MBE most improved England Player of the Year Award: Liam Pitchford.
AK Vine OBE Staff Award: Jill Parker MBE.
The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts were unanimously approved and a number of compliments were received for its presentation and content.
Discussions took place on a number of points raised at the meeting and these have been noted for future Management and National Council meetings.
Ron Washington has stepped down from the Standing Orders Committee and thanks go to him for his contributions over many years. Neil LeMilliere was elected to succeed him.
A demonstration of our new Membership and League Manager systems, which are available free to all leagues, was available to interested members by our supplier Table Tennis 365, who have also supplied the new online membership application software ETTA Connectv2.