More than £200 was raised for charity when Bishop Auckland TTC hosted the Pink Pong – Cancer Research UK and Aerobic Table Tennis World Record Tour.
The event, on the eve of the nearby South Shields Grand Prix, started with some fun social table tennis followed by an aerobic table tennis session delivered by Aerobic Table Tennis inventor Steve Rowe, followed by more free table time.
Pink Pong and Aerobic Table Tennis are touring the county promoting the charity and fundraising ready for a world record attempt next year for the most people doing aerobic table tennis at the same time.
Club Chairman Matt Porter said: “It was a fantastic night. Everyone was a bit unsure about aerobic table tennis to start with but it only took them minutes before they were fully in the swing and really enjoying themselves – and all for a great cause.
“It was great to see support from other clubs in the Durham area as well as helping to raise over £200 for the charity in a matter of hours.”
For more information on the club and its full range of sessions for played aged six and up, call Matt on 07411 018856 or visit the club’s website at
Paul Stimpson
October 7, 2014