The Independent Review Panel (IRP) leading the Table Tennis England Governance Review says it is pleased with the response to the online questionnaire.
More than 500 people responded to the questionnaire, which forms a key part of the review and allowed individuals or groups such as clubs and leagues to contribute.
It covered three main topics:
- Governance of Table Tennis England at a national level
- Communication with members, clubs and leagues
- Stakeholders and structure
The IRP confirmed the number of responses and also that it has held meetings with National Council and the Regional Forum, as well as further discussions either face-to-face or over the phone with a number of individuals.
The responses will now be reviewed and analysed and further meeting requests will be followed up.
The IRP is scheduled to present a progress report at the Table Tennis England Board meeting on March 2, after which a further update will be released to members.
The Governance Review was launched last year to deliver on a commitment made ahead of an Extraordinary General Meeting, at which Company Members voted to approve governance reforms necessary for the sport to comply with the Government’s new Code for Sports Governance.
The aim of the Review is to undertake a wide-ranging and thorough review into the governance and structures of Table Tennis England to achieve a modernised, professional, transparent organisation that balances the need for democracy and a volunteer workforce at its heart.