It was something of a slow re-start for the second half of the season in some divisions of the Leicester & District League but both Knighton Park teams in Division One were soon in the thick of things.
The first team showed their superiority by defeating Syston Casuals 10-0 with Chris Rogers, Jack Rogers and Reza Kiani all in superb form and still hopeful they can overcome Unicorn in their second clash. Meanwhile KP’s second team were having a tougher time in defeating Electricity firsts, but it was a good win with Karen Smith collecting all three, one each from George McClurkin and Rebecca George.
Everyone came out of the match with something as Andy LeButt won two for the Sparks, Chris Brewer and David Grundy one apiece.
Electricity’s second team came close to shocking Ajax Wolvey before going down 6-4 with Aidan Walsh standing tall with a maximum for Ajax, while Mick Allsopp and Peter Morris claimed one each. For Electricity Harry White won an excellent brace while Adam Pettitt and Sam Henderson each took one, a feature this week, many times over, is of all six players coming away with some sort of positive feeling.
Division Three had some very close encounters including my Performance of the Week from Knighton Park fifth’s Steve Bessant against Abbots Road III in a 5-5 draw. Bessant, graded 135, beat Richard Martin (169), Steve Pratt (163) and Bhulesh Rathod (144) for a superb maximum as well as winning the doubles with Simon Aldis, who won one of his singles. For Abbots, Pratt and Rathod each took two, Martin one.
Another 5-5 draw saw Goons come away from Winstanley Wizards with an excellent share. Dan Andrews won three for the Wizards, Himansu Mishra two, while Martin Gladders won two for Goons, including 12-10 in the fifth against Mishra, Barry Robinson and Graham Cutler one each, Martin and Robinson taking the doubles in the fifth game.
Andy Wright came good for Electricity V against Knighton Park VI in a 6-4 victory along with two in support from Dan Woolman, these two also winning the doubles. Yet again something for all the losers, with Zia Malik two and one each from Abe Lam and Oscar Bentley.
Nomads beat Syston Casuals III 6-4 thanks to three form Steve Andrews starting the year off well, while Chris Weston won two and the doubles together. Ajay Lad two for Syston, the two Terry’s, Hall and Wale one apiece.
The only one-side result in this division came when Great Glen beat Regent Sports 8-2 after Alex Mason and Kevin Trueman both emerged undefeated and one from Kelvin Herbert.
In Division Four Syston Casuals IV reversed a result from the division higher when beating Nomads IV 6-4. Tony Monteiro, playing up from five, won two as did Scott Morris, while Wes Glauds won the other singles, Monteiro and Morris the doubles. Terry Highton won two for Nomads.
Dave Dewsbury came very close to the best performance of the week when winning all three for Regent Sports III against Electricity VI in a 6-4 defeat. The Sparks proved stronger in depths when Dave Cox and Dave Bray both won two and the doubles while Graham Piggin provided the other.
Yet another 6-4 result came when Unicorn III beat Wigston Conservatives for whom Mark Williams won two. John Brindley clocked a maximum for Unicorn, Eric Baker two.
It was mainly a top team v bottom week in Division Five with three 10-0 results with Syston Casuals V beating Nomads IV, Blaby and Whetstone defeated Winstanley Wizards IV and Knighton Park VIII overcame Fleckney II.
The two other Winstanley Wizard teams bucked the trend when the third team beat the fifths 6-4 with Steve Burrage three and Eiz Eddin Al Katrib two for the winners. For the fifths Ian Knight took two, Bharat Lethro and Ted Eastman one each.