Club Affiliation for the 2017/18 season has now opened and it’s easier than ever to become part of our family.

It’s simple for clubs to sign up or renew their affiliation with the new TableTennis365 club area and PremierClub payments can now be taken online, saving your club the hassle of paying by cheque each season.

PremierClub Affiliation costs just £35 for a season and gives your club insurance, discount on coaching courses and priority access to our grants and support.

Free Club Affiliation is an excellent option for clubs which are not yet ready for a PremierClub Membership, but still wish to be part of our family.

Both PremierClubs and Free Club Affiliates will appear on our Club Finder, which is due to be launched later this year, alongside a host of other benefits. Click here for a full list of the perks to club affiliation.


To get your membership:

Clubs who have not affiliated before can do so here. Clubs wishing to renew their existing affiliation will need to follow the steps below.


Renewal steps

Step 1 – Renew your affiliation and pay online

Watch the video below and then click here to begin your renewals process.


Step 2 – Update your club information

Watch the video below and then click here to update your club information.


Step 3 – Ensure your club members are also Table Tennis England members

Ensuring regular club members are Table Tennis England members is a condition of the insurance we provide.

Click here to download a PDF with information.


Step 4 – Ensure your key policies are up to date

PremierClubs are often Table Tennis England’s first port of call when signposting potential new players. A basic level of governance and procedure gives us greater confidence in signposting new members to you.

Click here to download a PDF with information.


Step 5 – Complete the Club Matters Club Improvement Tool

Completing the tool is a great way to tell us more about your club and help us to get to know you. Telling us about where your club is performing and where you would like to develop will help us to guide and tailor our support to give you the most relevant and useful information

Click here to download a PDF with information.


If you have any questions related to Club Affiliation, please contact our Clubs and Leagues Officer, Claire Brockwell on [email protected].