Under-13, 15 & 18 events for both boys and girls were recently held by the Surrey Table Tennis Association.

The Under-13 girls was a round-robin event in which the finishing positions were: 1 Lucy Adams, 2 Triya Ghosh and 3 Emily Cheung.

The final of the Under-15 girls was between Lucy and Triya who shared their 98 points evenly but with Lucy winning by scores of 16, 8, -4, 14.

In the Under-13 boys, with Ed Gooze-Ziji withdrawn, it was Francesco Bonato who worked his way through the groups to the semi-finals to meet with the other three seeds. At this stage he was knocked out by nine-year-old Ollie Maric-Murray, the No 1 seed 9, -7, -9, -2.

The bottom half of the draw culminated in Trishton Kite beating Henry Maric-Murray -5, 8, 5, 6. Ollie dominated the final with scores of 7, 5 & 6 while Henry beat Francesco for the ‘bronze’ position.

The Under-15 boys was a bit less predictable. Nahom Goitom, seeded one, had a struggle on his hands in his quarter-final with Alex Ito. Nahom survived with three deuces and a nine (10, -12, 12, 9) but had an easier time against Ollie in the semis (8, 11 & 5).

In the bottom half, Jon-Vai Chung had coasted past Ivan Wong and Angus Norman for a head-to-head with Nahom. Last time these two met Nahom scraped home in the fifth but this time Jon-Vai wasn’t having any of it and romped home with scores of 7, 6, 5.

Jon-Vai Chung

Under-18 girls was a round-robin event with the winner being Federica Bonato, followed by Lute Durham, then Ellie Frost and Triya Ghosh fourth.

The Under-18 boys was comfortable all the way for Jamie Nordin, despatching Angus Norman and Damien Gray with ease. In the bottom half of the draw Jon-Vai Chung beat Ollie Gray and the No 2 seed Asa Gauntlett. Jamie took no chances in the final beating Jon-Vai 9, 5 & 8.