Saturday, December 3rd is International Day of People with a Disability and at Table Tennis England we’re committed to increasing disabled participation in sport.

Why is table tennis perfect for people with a disability?

Table tennis is an inclusive sport. Anyone can play regardless of age, ability, disability or impairment. With minimal adaptations for wheelchair users; it’s simple to deliver and engaging for everyone in a level playing field.

Only 17% of disabled people take part in sport for 30 minutes once a week compared to almost 40% of non-disabled people. The main cause of this hesitation is psychological, which is why table tennis is perfect as it can be delivered in short bouts, meaning it not only gets you active but it’s also fun!

To celebrate the success Table Tennis England have had this year creating opportunities for players with a disability, we want to tell you what we’ve done!

Projects in 2015 / 2016

PremierClub Ability Status

Our PremierClub Ability Status programme offers PremierClubs free Disability Awareness Training. This training equips them with the basic communication and delivery skills to welcome anyone with a disability into their club.

This year we’ve delivered 6 sessions, with many more booked in! We have over 20 clubs with PremierClub Ability status who actively recruit and welcome players with, and without a disability.

Disability Table Grant Scheme 

To create new playing opportunities in alternative environments, we offer organisations and charities discounted tables to deliver table tennis to people with a disability.

We’ve currently subsidised 32 tables, giving each organisation 50% of the cost of the table. Each organisation also receives a pack on how to deliver table tennis.

Club Support Scheme

In September, we launched the Club Support Scheme, dedicated to getting more female players and more players with a disability.

We’ve funded 10 projects across the country, supporting them with a total value of £7,402. These projects vary from supporting SEN schools with delivering table tennis to providing sessions for over 50s with long term health conditions.

Partnerships with National Sport Disability Organisations

We actively partner with National Sport Disability Organisations, and have delivered various projects across the country with multiple partners such as: Age UK, Special Olympics, Mencap, CP Sport and Wheelpower.

And more!

Our area members of staff are based across to country, and work hard to develop local opportunities for people with a disability. Some of their successes include delivering table tennis to: Adult Social Care Projects, Dementia Groups, Mental Health Care Homes, Special Olympic Clubs and local SEN schools. You can find out more about each area on the local news section of the website:

How can I get involved?

If you want to get involved playing table tennis with, or without a disability, you can find your local PremierClub here: All of our PremierClubs operate in a safe, welcoming environment, and those with Ability Status have undergone Table Tennis England’s Disability Awareness Training.

If you’re a club who wants to get more involved in delivering sessions suitable for players with a disability, you may be eligible for our free disability awareness training! Find out more by contacting: [email protected].

If you’re an organisation who wants to deliver table tennis to people with a disability, our Disability Table Grant Scheme is a great place to start! Find out more here: