The Sharp project in Manchester had a superb afternoon with employees from a variety of businesses that operate from the Sharp project playing table tennis.

The employees watched a table tennis demonstration with Andrea Holt ( North Area Development Officer), David Hulme from Stockport TT Academy and Sam Evans from Bolton TT Club helping with the afternoons table tennis entertainment. Video clip

A quick fire Team event competition was set up, with 40 employees from a variety of businesses actively involved. They played in Teams of 4, provided with a number 1-4 and then they played against the opponents number 1,2,3, 4  first to five points with all the points added up to decide the overall match winner.

If they won the first match they progressed forward into the main knockout draw and if they lost they entered a consolation event.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the competition as it provided a platform for all the different businesss staff, whom they had never met before, to have a chat and find out about what one another do and to be part of a team trying to win the competition. The eventual winners were a mixed combination of staff working for Digital Next and Brownbag.

It was a great day and Shu-Ling Li, The Events and Marketing Coordinator from The Sharp project was delighted with how the event went. The aim now is to embed the table tennis activity into weekly sessions and competitions for all the businesses to take part in.