Photography And Use Of Cameras/Videos Including Mobile Phones Guidelines
The English Table Tennis Association (ETTA) is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for young people to play and compete in their chosen sport. Part of this is recognising that both the ETTA and the player’s relatives will want to celebrate their success and promote table tennis whilst at all times protecting our young players. The ETTA asks that everyone abides by the following:
• Consents must be granted by parents/carers for the taking and publication of photographic images, a permission form is available for download on the ETTA’s website.
• Young people should be appropriately dressed for table tennis.
• Photography should focus on the activity rather than the person and any personal details e.g. address should never be published.
• Any concerns should be passed on the ETTA’s Child Protection Officer.
Photographic/Video/Mobile Phone Equipment
• Anyone wishing to use photographic and/or videoing equipment at any ETTA organised event must first register their intent with the Event Organisers.
• Anyone taking photos must have a valid reason for doing so and should produce a valid Coach or Player Licence, be able to prove that they are related to a player or have an official Press Card.
• The organiser will provide the person with a sticker for the day which must be worn and visible at all times.
• Permission to use photographic equipment is solely at the discretion of the event organiser.
• Any person using cameras or videos during the course of a competition or event may be challenged by the tournament organiser or referee.
• Anyone using a camera/video who is not displaying their sticker may be stopped immediately from filming or taking photographs.
• Anyone continuing to use photographic equipment after being warned may be asked to leave the event and the matter reported to the ETTA’s Child Protection Officer as soon as possible to allow any further action, if needed, to be taken promptly.
• To help enforce this policy the ETTA suggests that large signs be displayed at the entrance to the venue stating that ‘NO UNAUTHORISED USE OF CAMERAS OR VIDEOS ALLOWED’. These can be obtained from the ETTA headquarters office.
Child Protection Contact At Each Event
• It is the recommendation of the ETTA that all event organising committees should appoint one member to act as the child protection contact at each individual event.
• The name of the person appointed should be displayed at the Registration Desk.
• The nominated person should have attended a Child Protection Workshop and hold a current Criminal Records Bureau check (see the ETTA’s Policy on CRB checking for further information).
• The role of the contact is to report concerns about any incidents of child abuse to the ETTA’s Child Protection Officer and/or, if the incident was considered to be serious, to the local police.
• The contact will not be asked to make any judgements as to whether abuse was or was not taking place but to report the incident.
• A supply of incident reporting forms may be obtained from the ETTA free of charge.
It is hoped that the implementation of these guidelines will only cause a minimal amount of additional administration for tournament organisers and referees. For full information please see the ETTA’s Child Protection Policy and Guidelines – copies can be obtained from the ETTA headquarters office.
Click here for Parental Consent to Photos Form for publication of photos and here for the Authorised Photographers Event template