After the drama of the European Championships in October it’s back to business for the English internationals with a flurry of ITTF World Tour events between the beginning of November and Christmas.
There will be four main Opens for the English stars to compete in with events in Poland, Germany, Sweden and Finland featuring high on the priority list. The German Open in particular will feel like a ‘home’ tournament for many with their club sides based in the strong Bundesliga.
Full entry details can be found below:
The ETTA selections for the Polish Open, November 6-10, 2013 in Warsaw are:
Men’s Singles: Liam Pitchford, Andrew Baggaley, Sam Walker and Daniel Reed
Men’s Doubles: Andrew Baggaley and Daniel Reed, Liam Pitchford and Sam Walker
Men’s U21s: Liam Pitchford and Sam Walker
Coach: Alan Cooke
English entries (self funded) for the German Open, November 13-17, 2013 in Berlin are:
Men’s Singles: Liam Pitchford, Andrew Baggaley, Daniel Reed, Sam Walker, Darius Knight and Lewis Gray
Men’s Doubles: Andrew Baggaley and Daniel Reed, Sam Walker and Lewis Gray
Men’s U21s: Liam Pitchford, Sam Walker and Lewis Gray
English entries (self funded) for the Swedish Open, November 27 – December 1, 2013 in Stockholm are:
Men’s Singles: Andrew Baggaley, David McBeath, Darius Knight
Men’s U21s: David McBeath
English entries (self funded) for the Finlandia Open, December 5-8, 2013, in Helsinki are:
Teams: Hannah Hicks and Tin-Tin Ho (ETTA funded), Tressa Armitage and Karina Le Fevre, Darius Knight and Chris Doran plus Mike O’Driscoll (awaiting partner confirmation).
Written by Russell Moore (November 4, 2013)