1st4sport Level 3 Introduction to Assessment Practice in Sport (IAPS)
The IAPS is awarded by 1st4sport Qualifications and has been developed in partnership with sports coach UK.
The IAPS is accredited at Level 3 on the National Qualifications Framework. For further information on the accredited status of the IAPS, please log on to the QCA-accredited qualifications website at www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk.
Is the IAPS for me?
If you are an adult (over 18 years of age) who wants to hone your assessment skills of vocational qualifications in sport, then the IAPS is designed for you.
The IAPS is being used by a growing number of organisations and, in particular, governing bodies of sport as the benchmark qualification for assessors of their UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) endorsed coaching programmes.
Entry to the qualification recommends that you hold an appropriate technical qualification (as a coach, match official, sports therapist etc) at least one level above that of the people you will be assessing.
The IAPS is designed to give an indication of your understanding of the assessment process and requires you to demonstrate your application of the principles in your specific area of sport, conducting technically appropriate assessments of learner coaches, match officials, or sports therapists etc.
Why should I study the IAPS?
- To assist your sport in looking for IAPS-accredited tutors.
- To become a nationally accredited assessor of vocational qualifications with a recognised centre.
- As a stepping-stone towards achievement of the ENTO Learning and Development Units A1 or A2.
- As a Continuous Professional Development opportunity for existing assessors of vocational qualifications who may not hold a nationally accredited qualification.
What can I use the IAPS for?
- To gain paid or unpaid employment as an assessor within a governing body of sport, further education, or training provider coach education, match official or other vocational programmes.
- Towards the achievement of the Employment National Training Organisation* (ENTO) Units, A1 and A2; the Certificate in Review and Assessment and other learning, development, assessment and verification NVQ units.
- As a CPD credit.
*For more information on ENTO, please log on to their website at www.ento.co.uk.
NB: You should be aware that the IAPS is a stepping-stone to the ENTO Units A1 and A2 and does not qualify you to assess N/SVQs. To assess most vocational qualifications, in addition to the IAPS, you will be required to hold the appropriate technical qualification (as a coach, etc) or other occupational competence, and may be required to maintain an assessor status/licence with an appropriate licensing organisation.
What will I learn?
Your learning programme will develop your understanding of:
- the principles of assessment practice
- how to undertake assessment of learners
- how to monitor, evaluate and review learners’ progress
- how to review your own performance and develop your skills in this area.
- How will my learning programme be structured?
Learning programmes are usually designed by the recognised centre that delivers the qualification. They may, therefore, vary in length and format. Depending on your needs, centres can offer intensive courses or a series of learning events over a number of days or weekends. Whatever the timescale, all learning programmes should include the following phases:
- An induction to the qualification and your programme of learning and assessment.
- A learning programme that meets your needs.
- A programme of assessment spread across the course, including observations, by an appropriately qualified assessor, of you assessing.
- At the end of the programme, you will be provided with formal feedback on your performance and an action plan for your further development.
What will my assessment involve?
The IAPS assessment will require you to:
- undertake at least two assessments of a vocational qualification at an appropriate level (which may be simulated), during which you will be observed
- answer oral and written questions about your knowledge and understanding of the assessment process
- review and evaluate your own performance
- complete the required assignments and project work
- complete a portfolio of evidence and answer oral questions regarding the portfolio
- complete a supplementary question sheet from your Learner Pack, to be reviewed by an independent assessor
- participate in a professional discussion session with an independent assessor, regarding the answers given on the supplementary question sheet.
Where can I access the qualification?
The qualification is delivered by 1st4sport Qualifications’ recognised centres, not all of whom offer open courses to members of the public. Your first port of call to access a course should be to contact the appropriate governing body of sport.
Contact details
A variety of organisations are approved to offer the CIVPS. Contact 1st4sport Qualifications via email at [email protected] or by calling 0113-290 7610 for more information.
For further information on the Introduction to Assessment Practice in Sport (IAPS) please click here.