1st4sport Level 3 Certificate in Coaching Table Tennis (L3CCTTQ)
The L3CCTTQ is aimed at coaches who have already achieved the 1st4sport Level 2 Table Tennis qualification, and are working at ETTA Performance Centre level or higher with players on the talent development pathway.
This is a demanding qualification which requires significant off-course time to complete the home study and coaching practice. The programme consists of several phases, spread over a period of 8 – 12 months, typically including:
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An initial 4 day residential course based at Lilleshall National Sports Centre in the Midlands. The course covers a variety of technical coaching disciplines including physiology, psychology, periodisation, biomechanics and performance analysis. Tutors are experts in their respective field with many having a table tennis background. |
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A home study phase during which the learner will be required to complete various written tasks, culminating in an internal practical assessment. |
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A second home study phase during which the learner will be required to profile at least two players, and then produce an appropriate annual programme. Two 8-week blocks of this programme must then be planned in detail, delivered and evaluated. |
4... | A second internal practical assessment. |
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A third home study phase where the learner will be expected to complete all written tasks and finally address any actions arising from their home study and/or internal assessments. |
6... | An independent practical assessment at Lilleshall National Sports Centre. |
Registration Information
Please note that registrations for this course will not be available online and are subject to ETTA criteria which is as follows:
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Already attained the 1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Table Tennis qualification (or equivalent). |
.. | ♦.. | Hold a valid ETTA Coach Licence. |
.. | ♦.. | A proven track record in producing quality players at beginner and above levels. |
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A proven track record in being involved in the ETTA’s National Coaching System – at club level or above. |
.. | ♦.. | The potential to be developed as a coach (Regional Coach recommendation). |
Priority consideration will be given to the following categories of coach:
1. Full-Time and Part-Time table tennis coaches.
2. Existing Premier Club coaches.
3. Existing ETTA UKCC Tutors, Assessors and Internal Verifiers.
Those wishing to register for this qualification will be expected to undergo informal assessment and develop an action plan with their ETTA Regional Coach prior to their application being approved. The results of the assessment and subsequent action planning will be used to inform the selection process, as places on Level 3 courses are at a premium. The final decision on selection for Level 3 rests with the ETTA Coaching department.
If you think you might meet the criteria and are interested in registering for the Level 3, please contact your Regional Coach.
Check the Funding page to find out if there are any grants or bursaries available in your region. It is possible that there may be local bursary schemes so it may also be worthwhile to check with your local authority Sports Development Department or County Sports Partnership.
The Regional Coach and RDM are responsible for recommending candidates for bursaries.