Walk4Life is part of the Change4Life movement that has been set up to encourage families and adults to eat well, move more and live longer, by making small lifestyle changes that add up to big health benefits.
Walk4Life is all about helping people move and walking is a great way to start. Almost everyone can do it, anywhere, at any time, and it’s free – you can just get out there and start walking.
Don’t forget it’s Walk to School month in October – http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/walk-with-us/walk-to-school, you could use the free Walk4Life app to help you.
The Walk4Life website has lots of features that are really helpful for schools, and of course it is free to use ! They’ve created a short guide with examples of how it can be used in the classroom, see www.walk4life.info/about-walk4life/schools. They can also come and demonstrate it if you want.
There are also loads of free resources to help you promote your Walk4Life routes and events – take a look here – www.walk4life.info/about-walk4life/walk4life-resources.
Use the search box below to find a walk near you …