ETTA Connect Version 2 – Membership made simple lives up to its title.
All members on E-mail will by now have received their sign on credentials to this new application.
What it is important to know about this application is that it is not just a method to acquire your membership each year. Rather it is a Personal Data Editor that you can visit at any time to make amendments to the data held by the ETTA.
Even if you are purchasing your 2011-12 Membership through your League or Club then if the details supplied in the e-mail are in any way incorrect or missing some values then you can correct these details using ETTA Connect V2. If you move house, change your Mobile or E-mail or …. then use this application to change the necessary details and you will be informing all your associated organisations and the ETTA of the changes all in one go.
It is recommended that when you visit for the first time you change the initial password to one that you will remember – just visit the Password & Member Number Tab.