Following our recent Participation Survey, there is a strong indication players across the age groups are keen to return when possible. So, what can clubs do to ensure they are ready?
- Keep in touch with your venue provider: Let them know you and your members are keen to return. This keeps you and them in the picture and you’re more likely to be informed of dates and plans to return when possible.
- Covid19 Guidelines: Let venues know that your club is following TT England recommended guidelines which, along with other sports, have been agreed with Sport England (DCMS). Check our website for advice and guidance.
- Ensure booking forms have been submitted: If you have regular bookings that are due for renewal, often in March, submit them on time to ensure you are in the queue for a return when possible.
- Look for alternative venue options: Junior sessions are likely to come back first when Tiers return. If access to your venue its looking unlikely, see what other venues may be available to you. E.g. many Community Centres have lost other users such as Indoor Bowls, Martial Arts and Bridge Clubs and may welcome new user groups.
- Keep in touch with your volunteers: Either by email, phone call or video call, see how they are doing, are they able or willing to come back when it’s safe to do so.
- List and share tasks that could be done before you return: E.g. updating websites, social media pages, facility improvements, applying for funding to help you return.
- Keep in touch with your members: Contacting your members whether by; email, newsletters, video clips or quiz nights is a great way to keep members informed about future plans and to support each other in these challenging times. They are much more likely to return if they feel part of the club community and will appreciate the trouble you have gone to keep in touch. Take a look at the Play at Home activities for some ideas on how members can keep active during lockdown.
- Seek funding to help your club get back on its feet: Now is the time to apply for funding to support your return. Not everyone will be able to return straight away and you may have losses due to a reduction in income and not be able to cover your overheads. Table Tennis England can provide advice and guidance to help you apply for Sport England funding to support your return, whether that’s for equipment, venue hire or coaching fees, see our recent funding webinar for help and advice on submitting an application.
Find out how Horsham Spinners overcame issues around facility access between lockdowns: Horsham Spinners TTC – Return to Play Facility Case Study