The table tennis community will be asked to input into a new, updated diversity action plan to help ensure the sport is fully inclusive for people of all backgrounds.

A working group comprise of members with a wide range of skills and experience, has been put together to move the project forward in the coming weeks.

The group comprises Table Tennis England Board members Priya Samuel and Doug Livingstone, Juliet Bertie and Steve Bertie from the Members’ Advisory Group, para pathway player Dan Bullen, para pathway coach Shaun Marples and Table Tennis England staff members Greg Yarnall, Judy Rogers and Colin Eley.

The panel held its first meeting earlier this month and is analysing where the sport is currently. It is planned to open a consultation period with members in the next few weeks.

The aim is to have a new diversity action plan in place by the end of March 2021.

Table Tennis England Head of Development & Volunteering, Greg Yarnall, said: “We first published our diversity action plan in 2017 but the ever-changing landscape of the world we live in means we want to review and update it to reflect the sport as it is now and make sure it remains relevant.

“It is clear that the sport is very diverse at a number of levels but there are also still a number of areas where it could improve, such as female participation and representation of ethnically diverse communities in volunteer committee positions, to outline two areas for continued attention.”

“The whole table tennis family will have the chance to input into this consultation.”