The qualifying stage for this year’s Inter-Regional Championships is fast approaching, and there is still time to enter.

Eight regions will stage their qualifying competitions over the next few weeks and the dates and entry deadlines are as follows:

South: Competition March 10; Entry deadline February 24
West Midlands: March 16; March 2
East: March 16-17; March 4
South East: March 16-17; February 24
East Midlands: March 17; February 28
South West: March 17; February 24
North West: March 31; March 15
North East: April 7; March 31

The London qualifier has not yet been arranged as no organiser has come forward. Table Tennis England is working to rectify this and will make a further announcement in the near future.

Click here for more information and to download entry forms

The qualifying tournaments feed into the Inter-Regional Finals at Hatfield on June the weekend of 1-2, where the following events will be held:

Under-11 Boys’ Team & Singles (for players born in 2008 or later)
Under-11 Girls’ Team & Singles (for players born in 2008 or later)
Under-13 Boys’ Team & Singles (for players born in 2006 or later)
Under-13 Girls’ Team & Singles (for players born in 2006 or later)
Cadet Boys’ Team & Singles (for players born in 2004 or later)
Cadet Girls’ Team & Singles (for players born in 2004 or later)