Vulcan Table Tennis club are one of TTE’s Be TT Clubs and recently set up a fantastic Schools promotion day at Birley High school, Sheffield. Club development officer Mr Robert Loxley was instrumental in making the day happen. Rob worked tirelessly over the past few months, engaging with Birley HS Head of Sport Mr Keith Cronin. Through their hard work they were able to organise a fantastic day, whereby over 200 youngsters from the cluster Primary Schools, came into Birley HS, to have go at playing table tennis on a full size table.

The hall was set up with 15 tables, a show court for demonstrations and a robot machine. It was the first time for most of the youngsters and teachers at having actually seen and had a go at table tennis.

A team of coaches from Vulcan TT club attended the day, helping and coaching the youngsters.

2 demonstrations took place on the day, 1 for the Primary school and 1 for Birley HS pupils. The youngsters were astounded with the amount of skill displayed on the day and it made them appreciate how you have to have good hand eye coordination, anticipation, control, movement, timing etc..

Rob Loxley commented, ” This is an important day for Vulcan TT club as it is a fantastic platform for us to engage and enthuse the youngsters in to playing table tennis and we now hope that from this day they will come along to our new sessions we are setting up, working closely with Table Tennis England and the Be TT programme.”

Vulcan TT Club now provide sessions for everyone- juniors, adults, families-  Junior sessions currently take place at Vulcan TT Club on a Saturday morning, family/social sessions at Birley HS on a Thursday night 6.45pm-8pm, over 50’s Ponds Forge Leisure Centre 1pm-3pm. – A new social Bat and Chat session is currently being discussed with the aim to set this up in the New Year at the EIS, If you are interested in playing in any of the sessions please contact Rob on 07954 612254- everyone is welcome!